Monday, September 27, 2010

"Tomorrow Never Dies" Getting Tomorrows News Today

This maybe science fiction but after recently watching James Bond movie "Tomorrow Never Dies" it intrigued me, the idea that you can get tomorrows news today. In this James Bond movie there was this media tycoon played by Jonathan Pryce, who was able to change the news via satellite and could distribute it all over the world in a matter of hours. (Pryce) was almost able to start World War 3 by pitting China and Great Britain against each other using the news as his secret weapon. After thinking about it I came to the conclusion that technology these days allows anyone, even from the comfort of their own home to broadcast news even only, after a second it happened. I predict in the future like in James Bond, terrorist will use media as a way to attack more victims, and this could be more serious than any rocket or bomb. In fact today online predators use the internet to hack into government databases stealing top secret information. Media in the wrong hands can be used for in justice and we should be careful how we use it, and what information we give out.

The Corporation v.s Ad and the Ego

Although the two videos that we saw are different, they can be linked. How are they linked? Corporations control advertisements, and advertisements put the corporations product on the map, giving the people images of what they don’t really need, and in the end its corporations that make tons of money. Corporations manipulate there buyers by lowering their self worth, and showing them why they need this product, and how it benefits them. Corporations do what they can to gain money, and I found there technique very intelligent. One example is how they treat woman in their ads. Corporations know women care about their self worth, and because most women feel the need to be beautiful corporations make the women in their ads beautiful using the products they are selling. Women who see this image want to be that beautiful, creating a chain. The reason why I find this intelligent is because corporations know what they are doing, and they take the time to research there consumers, finding ways to attract them through their emotions. In conclusion the main weapon that allows the pockets of corporate bosses to be filled is the power of media through advertisement.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Media Consumption Log Week 2

Encountered Media brands:

Toys R US








Loui Vatoun

Time Spent using media

Computer: weekdays: 5 minutes to 3 hours 5 days a week. Weekends: 30min - 5 hours 2 days a week

Television: weekdays: 10- 40 minutes 5 days a week. Weekends: 30min - 2hours 2 days a week

Radio: weekdays: 0- 5mintues 5 days a week. Weekends: 0 minutes 2 days a week

This week my multiple media activity did not happen so much on the weekend. When there are more options to do outside of the house such as, hanging out with friends, I find that there is no need to stay at home on the computer. But how do we know whats going on if people dont text or call you anymore? Facebook is the answer, Facebook allows people all over the world to post many things including pictures, videos, and any writting that comes to mind. I found out that a friend was going to be at "Sharon Square" a popular hang out spot.

It wouldn't be wise to compare my computer and tv usuage on the weekdays and weekends, because school is a big factor. If School didn't exist my computer and tv usuage would be much higher, possibly to a point of injury. Now that AIS is a laptop school I am spending alot of time on the computer due to school related things but as soon as I finish I close my laptop. Now if school wasn't around every day I would waste my time chatting with friends online, looking at youtube videos, surfing my facebook, ect but thanks to school thats limited to only 2 and a half days.

Super Size Me Captain

Hello can I please get the double quarter pounder with cheese meal", "would you like to supersize that?", "I think I’m gonna have to go Super Size!" Super Size, a popular phrase found only at McDonalds where people can by super sized meals that could feed a good sized family, but I'm not here to talk about super sizing. On May 7 2004 a movie review was posted about Matthew Spurlock’s hit documentary “Super Size ME” which talked about how Spurlock’s experiment was to educate us on how eating fast foods everyday for long periods of time can physically and mentally hurt the body. However some people don’t agree that McDonalds and other fast food corporations are to blame for America’s obesity problems. A sentence in an article written by Ruth Kava in February 2004 stated, “The finger pointing indulged in by Mr. Spurlock and others is misleading because it suggests that "fast foods" are the main culprits for the nation's increasing prevalence of overweight and obesity. But the problem is bigger than just one type of food.”  Who is really to blame for obesity? In a sense Kava is right, people must understand that eating McDonalds or any other fast food every day is making them sicker and sicker, and that blaming corporations isn’t the answer, but are the people really to blame?. They shouldn’t be, but if communities form together and create a solution using the ideas of corporation to their advantage; they can create corporations that serve the publics interest through healthy choices.  Super Size Me is a great example of how corporations control and manipulate there buyers, what corporations don’t understand though is that you can still make money selling healthy tasteful options that benefit the company and the general public.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Corporation

After watching the Corporation I feel that I acquired a greater understanding of what business corporations are and what they do. It is to my understanding that business corporations are selfish psychopaths whose one objective is to make money. What I don’t understand is why don’t these corporations care about the well being of other people, aren’t corporations run by human beings, so then shouldn't they have feelings? I was really surprised that Corporations that not only disregard human health but aim to destroy the planet, for their own benefit is protected by law. What was very interesting to me was the fact that corporations if they were humans would end up being psychopaths. As they listed the symptoms and what corporations only did and cared about it started making sense to me. Although I’m not very connected to any corporations physically, they somehow scare me just because of the power they have. If you think about it corporations can control any business, and if these corporations are able to control the planet then we will all be doomed.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Media Consumption

 • AIS shirts

• Rumpleskin Ice cream

• Coffee add at gas station (woman was facing down and the cup was predominantly


• Skype

• Skull Candy

• Nike

• Adidas

• Tommy Hilfiger

• Facebook

• Formspring




• Counter Strike

• Call of Duty 4

This whole week about 50 minutes to 3 hours was spent on the internet every day excluding the weekends.

10 min to an hour was spent on television every day excluding the weekends.

Weekends 30 min to 3 hours was spent on television.

On the weekends 30 min to 5 hours was spent on the internet.

I like to watch TV and go on the internet at the same time because I use the TV as a background noise so the house doesn’t seem so quite usually its 3-5 hours of multiple media and only occurs during the weekend.

Most of my media activity is voluntary however there are some moments where it is involuntary. When it is involuntary it’s mostly in the morning when I come down stairs and I find out the TV is already on with a news story on CNN. Other times it’s listening to Israeli radio while working out in the gym. Most of the time my media consumption is voluntary, listening to music on the bus, chatting with my friends on Skype and MSN and Facebook, actually pushing the button to turn the TV on. In Voluntary it usually is 10 min to 1 hour 30 min. voluntarily its more than 20 hours a week.