Monday, November 29, 2010

CSI: New York Character Analysis

CSI: New York
·         TV Program
·         Action/mystery
·         Mac Taylor, Stella Bonasera, Danny Messer, Donald Flac
·         Male/Female/Male/Male
·         The Main character who is always shown in the beginning is detective Mac Taylor played by Gary Sinese then next is Stella Bonasera played by Melina Kanakaredes, the other two characters Danny Messer and Donald Flac are supporting roles.

Mac Taylor (White): Head Criminal Investigator and in charge of the New York CSI team. This is a prominent position made for strong characters. Mac has a College and Military education.  Mac Taylor is single with no kids. Young for his age and very charming, slender but looks very athletic.
·         Straight Forward
·         Independent
·         Strong
·         Stoic
·         Sarcastic

Stella Bonasera (White): Second in Command of the CSI unit in New York. This position is also as prominent because a strong will and character is needed to fulfill the duties of the Head criminalist in case of emergency. Stella has graduated college and has earned a Masters degree. Stella Bonasera is single with no kids. Stella is very attractive and has a very slender thin athletic body.
·         Flirtatious
·         Brave
·         Emotional
1.       Yells
2.       Sudden bursts of anger
·         Sarcastic

Danny Messer (White):  30 years old, CSI and scientist. This is a job which requires at least a college degree because this job involves many scientific tasks. For example reading DNA and checking for trace. A normal person who wouldn’t know what he was doing would not be very successful at this job meaning you have to be skilled and trained. Completed a college education and has attained a Masters degree in criminology. Danny Messer is married with one kid. Although Danny doesn’t do much running around, because of his past as a baseball player he is very athletic build. In terms of look with his glasses he has a nerdy attractive face.

·         Strong
·         Brave
·         Self-reliant
·         Sarcastic
·         Flirtatious
·         Emotional
1.       Laughs

Donald Flac (White): Homicide Detective with NYPD. This job isn’t as prominent as Head criminal investigator but it’s just as important. You would have to have a strong and intellectual character and would need to understand how people work which requires skill and training. Flac graduated from High school. Single with no kids, Flac is very attractive well dressed, and very athletic.                                                                         

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Noris 5

Students protest in London, Conservative HQ attacked

Informative vs. Superficial: The article was very informative describing the, who British government and Student protestors, what, protesting raise of tuition fees, where, London England, when this November, and why, to voice their feelings on the government’s decision to raise the tuition fees of Universities in England.
- Accurate and Truthful vs False and Deceptive: There article is accurate and truth full because although a small article there are still some key facts and numbers presented that legitimizes the situation. Also in the Article there are quotations such as, "We are taking to the streets in unprecedented numbers to tell politicians that enough is enough," NUS president Aaron Porter said in a statement before the demonstration” which is factual evidence that what they are protesting is fact and not twisted.

- Objective vs Biased: Although the article might seem biased, in a sense it’s really objective. The reason why is because the writer condones the violence but is being very neutral. For example in the beginning he talks about how the protestors were throwing flairs ECT, but then he explains why their behavior was violent and how they were peaceful demonstrators at first.
- Pluralistic vs Insular Viewpoint: Because the problem itself focuses and affects Universities it is a very important issue on a global scale. This issue not only affects the people and the government of London, but also affects the international community who are applying to these schools in London. Also has a great affect on tourism of London because if people see London as unstable then not many people would like to travel there. And because this is a popular international city many readers will find this article interesting.
- Balanced vs Weighted Side
The article was more weighted in the sense that it appealed more to viewers who condemn violence and so the Student Protestors as violent kids.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Plain Jane - Dove Evolution

Watching the Dove Evolution video I was very surprised as I got to look behind the scenes of bill board modeling. What grabbed my attention was the fact that before the makeup and the editing, the woman was just a plain Jane and there wasn’t anything special about her. And that’s are probably how most girls feel about themselves, that they are not special enough because they don’t look as beautiful as the girls on the billboards. What I find ironic is that there is nothing real about the girls on the billboards and that it is a plain Jane who’s simply beautiful.  But with more billboard pictures like that one it is difficult for girls to feel natural because they think it’s not enough to be on the top of a billboard or anywhere else. This problem of girl’s confidence reminds me of a song by the Canadian artist Drake. A verse in his song “Best I’ve ever had” states, “Sweat pants, hair tied, chilling with no makeup on, that’s when you’re the prettiest, I hope you don’t take it wrong”. Drake is saying to the ladies that they don’t have to be like those fake bill board models to be beautiful in life, I mean models don’t look like that every day right? All in all products that sell make up and use models to advertise their products are giving a negative image to not only girls at a you age, but woman as well.